Useful information
Invitation to the Pre-deployment Training for CSDP Missions and Operations Brussels, 3rd to 7th February 2025
Invitation to ESDC Basic Course on Security Sector Reform - Chișinău, 30 October-01 November 2024
The National College of Home Affairs (CNAI) within ‘Alexandru loan Cuza’ Police Academy/Ministry of Internal Affairs (Romania) and the College of Communication and Public Relations from the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), have the pleasure to announce the course ‘Strategic Communication in the Context of Security and Defence’ which will take place in Bucharest between 24 and 26 September 2024.
Invitation to course on Disaster Relief in the CSDP Context - Sofia, 16 to 19 July 2024
Invitation to the CSDP Orientation Course (Activity Number 23-24/3/21) Brussels, 17-21 June 2024
Invitation to the ESDC Course “The Challenges of Securing Maritime Areas for the European Union” (Activity number 23-24/36/2) Constanța, Romania, 21st–24th of May 2024
Invitation to the Pre-deployment Training for CSDP Missions and Operations Brussels, 5th to 9th February 2024
The National College of Home Affairs Romania (CNAI) and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) are jointly organising a Pre-deployment Training for CSDP Missions and Operations (PDT) from Monday, 5th to Friday, 9th of February 2024 in Brussels.
Senior Strategic Course on European Security and Defence - 05.02-30.05.2024.
Invitation to Challenges of Illegal Migration in Western Balkans:
Under the aegis of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), the National College of Home Affairs (CNAI) Romania and the Romanian Agency for International Development Cooperation – RoAid Agency will organize in Bucharest, Romania, from 18th to 20th of October 2023, the conference "The Challenges of Illegal migration in the Western Balkans".
Invitation to ESDC Basic Course on Security Sector Reform:
The Romanian National College of Home Affairs (CNAI) and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) are jointly organising a basic course on security sector reform (SSR), which will be held in Bucharest from 23-25 October 2023. We are pleased to host this course for the third time in Romania.
Invitation to the Disaster Relief in CSDP Context
Invitation to the CSDP Orientation Course
The National College of Home Affairs (CNAI) within ”Alexandru loan Cuza” Police Academy/Ministry of Internal Affairs (Romania) and the College for Communication and Public Relations from the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), have the pleasure to announce the course ”Strategic Communication in the Context of Security and Defence” which will take place in Bucharest between the 08th and the 12th of May 2023.
Invitation to The challenges of securing maritime areas for the European Union: a focus on the Indo-Pacific Region
The Institute for Higher National Defence Studies (IHEDN-FR), the Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik (BAKS - DE), and the Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations (BE) together with the Royal Higher Institute for Defence (IRSDBE), National College of Internal Affairs (RO) and Centro Alti Studi Per la Difesa (IT) have the honour of inviting participants for the 2022/2023 SENIOR STRATEGIC COURSE on European Security and Defence, a modular course developed under the aegis of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). The course consists of three modules during the 2022-2023 academic year. Module 1 (30.01-01.02.2023) will take place in Brussels (BE), Module 2 (27-28.02.2023) in Berlin (DE), while the third module (31.05-02.06.2023) will take place in Paris (FR).
The National College of Home Affairs Romania (CNAI) and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) are jointly organising a Pre-deployment Training for CSDP Missions and Operations (PDT) from Monday, 6th to Friday, 10th of March 2023 in Brussels
INVITATION to the ESDC Basic Course on Security Sector Reform (SSR)
Bucharest, October 31- November 02, 2022
INVITATION to the ESDC Course ”Disaster Relief in CSDP Context”
Sofia, 19-22 July 2022
The National College of Home Affairs (CNAI) within ”Alexandru loan Cuza” Police Academy/Ministry of Internal Affairs and the College for Communication and Public Relations from the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), have the pleasure to announce the course ”Strategic Communication in the Context of Security and Defence” which will take place in Bucharest between the 19th and the 23rd of September 2022.
Within the framework of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), the National College of Home Affairs - CNAI (”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy) and the Romanian Naval Academy ”Mircea cel Batran” (ANMB), will organise the course of “The Challenges of Securing Maritime Areas for the European Union”, in Constanța, Romania, from 24th to 27th of May 2022. The training will be supported by the Romanian Border Police and the Bulgarian Naval Academy “Nikola Y. Vaptsarov”, as course partners.
The National College of Home Affairs (from Romanian Police Academy) has the honour to organize, under the aegis of European Security and Defence College the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Orientation Course, to be held in Brussels, in residential format, from 20 to 24 June 2022.
The Romanian National College of Home Affairs (CNAI) and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) are jointly organising a virtual Pre-deployment Training for CSDP Missions and Operations from Monday, 4th to Friday, 8th of April 2022. The Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) aims to increase the effectiveness of CSDP missions and operations. The PDT is designed to streamline the CSDP management culture and to ensure that deploying personnel is equipped with the relevant knowledge and skills necessary to become operational as soon as possible in order to contribute to the implementation of the mission mandate.
The European Union Military Staff and National College of Home Affairs (from Romanian Police Academy) have the honour to jointly organize, under the aegis of European Security and Defence College the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Orientation Course, to be held in Brussels, in residential format, from 8 to 12 November 2021.
The National College of Home Affairs (NCHA - RO) within ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy/ Ministry of Internal Affairs has the pleasure to organize, under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) a Basic Course on Security Sector Reform (SSR). This ESDC training is jointly organised with the support of the National Defence College (CNAp) within National Defence University/ Ministry of National Defence. We are very pleased to organise, for the first time in Romania, such type of activity, which will take place in Bucharest, between the 20th and the 22nd of October 2021.
Students of March - May 2014 series are notified that module IV (on-line) has started. Each of the students is asked to access the College’s platform, where they will find the information needed for getting through the module.
Useful links
Role and mission of CNAI
In the context of Romania’s integration into the European Union and based on the modifications of the national security risks and threats system, rethinking the development process within the home affairs area is absolutely necessary.
Thus, setting up The National College for Home Affairs within the “Al. I. Cuza” Police Academy structure was mandatory, in order to ensure the institutional frame corresponding to the national and strategic level, which is used for integrating the home affairs studies and for the training and continuous development of the M.A.I. personnel and other relevant individuals having also training needs in the home affairs field.
The role of the The National College for Home Affairs consists of:
ensuring the institutional frame corresponding to the national and strategic level, in order to train and continuously develop the M.A.I. personnel and other personnel categories in the field of internal affairs;
clarifying concepts and developing the home affairs doctrine; supporting, by specialized expertise, the strategic decisions; accomplishing the M.A.I. missions and any other national responsible components;
bringing the home affairs issues to public attention.
The mission of the College concerns home affairs research from the strategic point of view, having the integrating perspective of public administration, public order and safety, attributions that correspond to the M.A.I.
The mission of the post-graduate program is to ensure the profound study in home affairs field, to develop scientific research capacities and to create a mandatory specialized preparation base. Also, the graduates have to achieve both general and specific knowledge and competences, as well as certain cognitive abilities needed in the home affairs field..
By introducing certain themes in the study programs, we target an exhaustive study of the already achieved knowledge, but also a new vision on relevant home affairs aspects..
The study themes will keep track of all general objectives, regardless of the specific theme:
a) presenting the newest and most advanced know-how results in home affairs;
b) top abilities of independent research;
c) elaborating studies and reports that can be applied and also published;
d) the capacity of applying theoretical knowledge in new situations, that couldn’t have been predicted.
The scientific research performed by the students will be emphasized; the students will write works of high scientific level, which have to take shape into studies published in specialty magazines..
The post-graduate programs are addressed to students having a university diploma and who are working in home affairs field, as well as to individuals who want an in-depth study following their university studies
The mission of the institution also includes two additional components, which support each other:
research in the home affairs field, from the strategic perspective of integrating M.A.I. attributions regarding public administration, order and security;
training and continuous professional development for M.A.I. and other national and international personnel entities, in order to understand and learn home affairs issues, thus being capable of operating in an organized, coherent, systematic and opportune manner, in circumstances that involve assuming decisions and performing activities in the home affairs field.
The mission of The National College for Home Affairs regards the study and research of the home affairs field at a strategic level from the integrating perspective of the Home Affairs Ministry attributions concerning public administration, public order and safety.
The National College for Home Affairs was founded by the M.A.I. starting with the 2008-2009 university year, within “Al. I. Cuza” Police Academy.
The College works according to the Government Decision no. 1239 / 01.10.2008. The Institution ensures the training for M.A.I.’s own personnel, but also for other national and international entities, having as goal understanding and knowing home affairs issues, so that they would become capable of performing their activities in an organized, coherent, systematic and opportune manner, in circumstances that imply assuming decisions and deploying actions related to home affairs
General and special situation – as argument
In the actual context of integration and globalization, violence, criminality and terrorism are manifesting as a more and more complex phenomenon, with obvious tendencies of globalization and as the top point for human violence reached by the international community.
The radicalism of internal and trans-border threats determines new requests in reconfiguring the individual, the national and collective security of democratic states.
The diversity, intensity and density of violence determines the development of new capabilities and capacities in fighting the criminal phenomenon at all levels and in all fields, including strategic preparations.
The almost exponential exacerbation of criminal phenomenon (eruption of new forms, alarmingly pathogenic, with high dissemination and contagion risk), which are clustering and globalizing fast and strong, frequently surpass the capacity of reaction of the law defending institutions, by their organization, equipment, actions and legal potential resources.
We believe that “refining” the national security risks and threats system results in the necessity of repositioning in the top of the list (configured by prioritizing importance) for internal ones or in the necessity of acknowledging more correctly the danger level; the effect represents creating a systematic and sustainable initiative for counteracting. One of the first steps is the fundamented approach of issues addressed by our institution, especially because at the moment the public administration, order and security segments benefit of common leadership.
The courses organized by The National College for Home Affairs take place according to the following regulations:
The Law on National Education no. 1/ 2011, article 173;
The Law no. 441 / 2001 for approving the Government Emergency Decree no. 133/2000 regarding the university and post-graduate paid state education;
The Law 288/2004 regarding the organization of university studies;
The Law 88/1993 on accrediting superior education institutes and diplomas recognition;
The Government Decision 1239/01.10.2008 regarding the set up, the organization and the operations of The National College for Home Affairs within the “Al. I. Cuza” Police Academy, which is part of the Ministry of Administration and Interior;
The M.C.T.S. Order no. 3617/01.02.2012 regarding the approval of the frame Methodology for the organizations and operations of training post-graduate programs and continuous professional development;
The M.E.C. Order (The Order of the Minister of Education) no. 3617/16.03.2005 regarding the generalized application of the European System of Transferable Credits;
The University Carta of "Al. I. Cuza" Police Academy.
The College offers post-graduate professional development programs (according to art.173 - law 1/2011), organizing study programs in the home affairs field.
The post-graduate programs within The National College for Home Affairs have the following features:
a) offer training in home affairs for officers having top management positions or M.A.I. experts, personnel from other activity domains, representatives of the civil society;
b) the curricula includes specific subjects about home affairs;
c) their role is to develop scientific research in this domain;
d) a maximum of 30 transferable credit points can be achieved during a semester.
The courses last for 1, 3 or 6 months and the study programs were approved by the Ministry of Home Affairs management and Ministry of Education and Research, at the proposal of the Police Academy Senate.
The courses are graduated by passing an exam that will certify the professional competences specific for the program; the graduates will receive a post-graduate certificate issued by “Al. I. Cuza” Police Academy, that proves the achieved competences.
C.N.A.I. type and level
C.N.A.I. is organized and operates within the Police Academy and it is financially sustained by its special components;
The management of the College is ensured by a manager, helped by a deputy manager;
C.N.A.I. ensures the organization and deployment of study programs for the training and continuous professional development of persons within the target groups established in the present concept;
C.N.A.I. organization and its operations are established by the regulation especially created for this scope. Academically speaking, C.N.A.I. is affected by the University Charta and legal dispositions applicable in the national post-graduate education;
C.N.A.I. issues study certificates according to the conditions provided by the law.
Ways of selecting the students
C.N.A.I. courses don’t have a mass character;
The courses contribute generally to shaping the country’s intellectual and professional elites in home affairs and state administration field and also to ensure a notable and impact representation of Romania in the European organizations and other international structures.
Taking into consideration the high preparation of M.A.I., the training and continuous professional development activities within the C.N.A.I will be included in the career classes category.
Graduates’ competencies:
elaborating strategies;
top independent research;
elaborating studies and reports that apply professionally and that can also be published;
applying theoretical knowledge in new situations, that couldn’t have been predicted.
Students benefit from the experience of home affairs, public order and safety, international relations, economic and social policies specialists, specialists within the Romanian Academy, university system, financial, banking and fiscal areas, as well as experts in internal and external politics.
The experience exchange performed nationally, including with other colleges (The National Defense College and The Superior National Security College), but also performed externally, with relevant public order and security institutions, contribute to the constant increase of the preparation level achieved thanks to the courses of the College.